Crabs, those comical crustaceans of the sea, have a secret life—one filled with laughter! Yes, it’s true; crabs are notorious for their wicked sense of humor. If you’ve ever wondered what makes these pinchy pals chuckle, look no further. We’ve compiled a treasure trove of 65 crab-tivating puns and jokes that will have you rolling on the ocean floor with laughter. So, let’s dive right in!

Crab Puns
Crabs might be best known for their pincers and sideways scuttles, but did you know they have a secret talent for humor? Yes, you heard that right! These crustaceans aren’t just skilled at pinching; they’ve got a knack for puns too. Get ready to laugh your way through the sand with 35 hilarious crab puns that will have you giggling like a hermit crab in a ticklish tide pool. Whether you’re a marine biology enthusiast or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, these puns are sure to make your day a little brighter.
Now, without further ado, let’s dive into the crab-tivating world of puns:
- Why did the crab never share its secrets?
- Because it was a little shellfish!
- What did one crab say to the other during a workout?
- “Feeling claw-some!”
- How do crabs send secret messages?
- By using their shell phones!
- What did the crab do at the seafood disco?
- The electric crab slide!
- Why do crabs never give to charity?
- Because they are shellfish!
- What do you call a crab that plays baseball?
- A pinch hitter!
- Why did the crab go to the doctor?
- Because it was feeling a little crabby!
- What did the crab say to the lobster when it stole its wallet?
- “You’re one shell of a thief!”
- Why did the crab get in trouble with the law?
- It was caught in a “clawsuit”!
- What’s a crab’s favorite candy?
- Crab-apple!
- What do you call a crab that likes to take risks?
- A dare-devil!
- Why did the crab bring a ladder to the party?
- Because it wanted to get to the top shelf!
- What’s a crab’s favorite music?
- Anything with “rock” in it!
- What do you call a crab that won’t share its food?
- Shellfish!
- Why was the crab blushing?
- Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!
- What did the crab do at the seafood buffet?
- Shelltered its plate!
- Why did the crab never get lost?
- Because it always knew its “bearings”!
- What do you call a crab that likes to play hide and seek?
- A “claw-ver” hider!
- Why was the crab such a great dancer?
- Because it had the best “moves”!
- What do you call a crab that’s a magician?
- A “shell”usionist!
- Why did the crab bring a broom to the party?
- Because it wanted to “sweep” the dance floor!
- What’s a crab’s favorite horror movie?
- “The Shell-shank Redemption”!
- What do you call a crab with a bad attitude?
- Crabby Patty!
- Why was the crab always calm under pressure?
- Because it had nerves of steel (or should we say, shell)!
- What do you call a crab that loves to exercise?
- A “gym”-nastic crab!
- Why did the crab refuse to share its treasure map?
- Because it was “shellfish” about its gold!
- What do you call a crab that’s a fashionista?
- A trend-“claw”-setter!
- Why did the crab apply for a job as a chef?
- Because it wanted to “stir” things up in the kitchen!
- What do you call a crab that tells jokes?
- A “claw-ver” comedian!
- Why did the crab bring a backpack to the beach?
- Because it wanted to have a “shell” of a good time!
- What’s a crab’s favorite type of math?
- Crab-solutely algebra!
- Why did the crab blush at the seafood restaurant?
- Because the oysters were telling “clam-tastic” jokes!
- What do you call a crab that’s always ready to party?
- A “crab-tastic” host!
- Why did the crab get a ticket?
- Because it was caught “speeding” in the ocean!
- Why do crabs make terrible poker players?
- Because they can’t stop “shell”-tering their emotions!
See also: 100+ Funny Bear Puns.
Best Crab Jokes
Now that we’ve had our fill of crab puns, it’s time to reel in some crab-tastic jokes that will make you laugh harder than a lobster at a crab comedy show. Hold on to your shell, here they come:

1. What do you call a crab that plays the piano? A “clam-ist”!
2. Why did the crab never invite the shrimp to its parties? Because it was too “shrimpy” with its snacks!
3. How do crabs make decisions? They “pinch” their options!
4. Why did the crab bring a sunhat to the beach? To avoid getting too “clam-bered” by the sun!
5. What’s a crab’s favorite game at the arcade? “Whack-a-Mole” (or in this case, “Whack-a-Claw”)!
6. Why did the crab enroll in cooking school? Because it wanted to become a “masterchef”!
7. What do you call a crab with no sense of humor? “Crabby”!
8. Why did the crab become a detective? Because it had a knack for solving “shell-duns”!
9. What did one crab say to the other during a race? “I’m gonna crab the victory!”
10. Why don’t crabs ever give up? Because they have “shell-faith”!
11. How do crabs send love letters? With “pinch-o-grams”!
12. What’s a crab’s favorite type of TV show? Anything with “shell-mance”!
13. Why did the crab bring a towel to the beach? To “clam” down after all that swimming!
14. What do you call a crab that’s always in a hurry? A “rush”-ed crab!
15. Why did the crab go to the seafood party? Because it was “claw-some”!
16. What’s a crab’s favorite dance move? The “crab shuffle”!
17. Why did the crab start a band? Because it had “shell-tertaining” music!
18. What do you call a crab with a fancy car? A “shell-on-wheels”!
19. Why did the crab bring a pillow to the beach? Because it wanted to take a “shell nap”!
20. What’s a crab’s favorite card game? “Poker” (or should we say, “Pincer”)!
21. Why did the crab get a promotion at work? Because it was “claw-some” at its job!
22. What do you call a crab with an attitude? “Crabby-some”!
23. Why did the crab go to the doctor for a check-up? Because it was “feeling a little crabby”!
24. What’s a crab’s favorite superhero? “Captain Crabmerica”!
25. Why did the crab bring a map to the beach? To find its way back to its “shell-ter”!
26. What do you call a crab that’s always full of energy? A “vibrant crab”!
27. Why did the crab bring a camera to the ocean? To “snap” some sea-tiful photos!
28. What’s a crab’s favorite holiday? “Shell-oween”!
29. Why did the crab go to the gym? To get those “beach-ready” abs!
30. What’s a crab’s favorite TV show theme song? “Under the Sea”!
Crab-tastic Fun Facts
Before we wrap up our crab-tastic pun and joke adventure, let’s take a quick dive into some fascinating crab facts:
Fact 1: Crabs come in all shapes and sizes, from the teeny-tiny pea crab to the giant Japanese spider crab, which can have legs spanning up to 12 feet!
Fact 2: Crabs are known for their remarkable ability to regenerate lost limbs. If a crab loses a claw, it can grow it back over time. Now, that’s some serious “claw-tivation”!
Fact 3: The world’s most famous crab, Mr. Krabs from “SpongeBob SquarePants,” may be a penny-pincher, but he sure knows how to run a successful fast-food restaurant!
Q1: Are crabs good swimmers?
A1: While crabs can swim using their back legs, they are not known for their swimming skills. Most crabs are bottom-dwellers and prefer to scuttle along the ocean floor.
Q2: Do crabs make good pets?
A2: Crabs can be kept as pets, but they require special care and a suitable habitat. Keep in mind that they are not cuddly pets like cats or dogs; they’re more like the silent, pinchy roommates of the sea!
Q3: Can I eat crab without feeling guilty?
A3: Absolutely! Many people enjoy crab as a delicious seafood delicacy. Just make sure it’s sourced sustainably to protect our oceans and their delicate ecosystems.
Q4: How do crabs communicate with each other?
A4: Crabs use a variety of methods to communicate, including visual signals, sounds, and chemical cues. They often engage in courtship rituals and fights to establish dominance or attract a mate.
Q5: What’s the crab’s favorite dance?
A5: The crab’s favorite dance is the “crab shuffle,” where they move sideways to the rhythm of the waves. It’s a hit at underwater dance parties!
And there you have it, folks—65 crab-tastic puns and jokes that are bound to make you chuckle like a hermit crab in a comedy club. Crabs may be known for their pincers, but who knew they had such a knack for humor?
Next time you’re at the beach and spot a crab scuttling along the shore, remember to give it a nod and a smile. You never know, it might just crack a shell of a joke to brighten your day.
So, whether you’re a seasoned jokester or a “crab-pun” newbie, these jokes and puns are the catch of the day. Share them with your friends, family, and fellow ocean enthusiasts, and let the laughter ripple through the waves!
And as the crabs say, “Stay crab-tastic, my friends!”